
Showing posts from December, 2018

Dialogue exam

BOB: Omg! Lisa! How're you doing? It's been ages since the last time we saw each-other! How's the farm? LISA: Hi Bob! I'm so happy to see you! Well, being a farmer is getting more and more difficult. Things are changing. BOB: What do you mean? LISA: Well, a lot of people are becoming vegetarians, people don't want to become farmers anymore an d the technology is quoting a lot of jobs, including ours. BOB: That's ho rrorful! I always thought that it's a good job. LISA: Unfortunately not. It was a very good job in the past. My grandfather always say to me that being a farmer is an honour. It was one, yes, but now I don’t even have enough money to live. BOB: Oh no! I’m sorry. What will you do? LISA: Currently I’m searching for another job. BOB: Oh wow! Lisa, i have to pick up Jade from school, if you want tomorrow we can have a cafe and you tell me more about your situation.  LISA: Great! See you tomorrow! BOB: Bye!