
Dialogue exam

BOB: Omg! Lisa! How're you doing? It's been ages since the last time we saw each-other! How's the farm? LISA: Hi Bob! I'm so happy to see you! Well, being a farmer is getting more and more difficult. Things are changing. BOB: What do you mean? LISA: Well, a lot of people are becoming vegetarians, people don't want to become farmers anymore an d the technology is quoting a lot of jobs, including ours. BOB: That's ho rrorful! I always thought that it's a good job. LISA: Unfortunately not. It was a very good job in the past. My grandfather always say to me that being a farmer is an honour. It was one, yes, but now I don’t even have enough money to live. BOB: Oh no! I’m sorry. What will you do? LISA: Currently I’m searching for another job. BOB: Oh wow! Lisa, i have to pick up Jade from school, if you want tomorrow we can have a cafe and you tell me more about your situation.  LISA: Great! See you tomorrow! BOB: Bye!

FILM REVIEW of Johnny English reborn!

Johnny English reborn (2011) is the second part of the "Johnny English" films. It's directed by Oliver Parker and has the amazing and amusing Rowan Atkinson (mostly known for his career as Mr. Bean) as the main protagonist in this hilarious action comedy located in England. In Johnny English reborn, Johnny English returns after being 5 years in a Buddhist temple trying to forget and accept that in the past he has made severe mistakes. He's a particular, labile, kind of dumb and self confident man with a particular human and incredible fighting skills. Immediately after he returns from his vacations he gets an important mission where he has to find the third man of an assassin trio. At the end an interesting, daft and senseless pursuit begins where he is chased through all London until he gets to the place where the last assassin is trying to kill an important person. Johnny English reborn is a predictable, hilarious and quite dumb film that has extremely disappoint

For and against essay: Vegeterianism

Is vegeterianism a heathy diet ? Vegeterianism is becoming very popular nowedays particulary in young people, but is it really the best way to have a healthy diet or is it just an unhealthy and dangerous trend? On the one hand, being a vegetarian brings you and your environment benefits like stopping the killing of animals, for example pigs and cows. Furthermore, this diet provides you many heathy elements that can prevent you from becoming ill. On the other hand, our body needs vitamins that are only present in meat so it is necessary to take suplamentary pills. If these pills are not ingested, the person can have serious health   problems. To sum up, I strongly belive that if a vegeterian is aware of taking the pills and taking this style of live seriously, there is no problem in having this diet. It can even be very nutritious and make you feel happy and good with yourself and you environment.


BUS ACCIDENT: On 22 April 2018, a bus in North Hwanghae Province, North Korea  transporting Chinese tourists fell off a bridge, killing thirty-two Chinese tourists and four North Koreans. It  was  traveling from Kaesong to Pyongyang.  The cause of the accident was not immediately disclosed. NAKED KILLER: A man wearing nothing but a coat shot and killed four people while three others were injured at a Waffle House in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee, police say.

Opinion Essay

Should students be able to listen to music in class? Listening to music can be very relaxing, stimulating and fun but in my opinion, a classroom is not a place where it should be listened to music, especially while the teacher is speaking and explaining. In certain cases, like what the teacher can not come to the class or you must do some relaxing and not stressful work, it should be allowed to the students to listen to music with headphones. But only in this cases. As I see it, listening music in class would be too distracting and very unpractical because the students would not be able to hear the teacher's explanation. In second place, the fact that the students can listen to music in class would also presuppose the presence of mobile-phones in class that could distract even more the students. In consequence lots pf students would have to face the music when they are caught doing thinks with their phones that they shouldn't be doing. To conclude, let the students list

New York Times video

Why I chose Bruno Mars

From the moment that I knew we had to make a presentation about something relationated with music, I knew instantly that I was going to do it about Bruno Mars. Why? The answer is simple: he is one of my favourite singers and most of his songs have an important place in my "favourite songs" list. A great example is "It will rain" one of my favourite songs since ever. In general Bruno Mars is just incredible! He has an incredible voice that can make you cry and laugh. Unlike other singers and "artists" he can play lots of instruments and he's also an important songwriter that has composed songs for other featured artists. Another thing that has helped me know which person to choose is the fact that in summer I'm going to see a concert of him and it was a great opportunity to find out more about him. The next video is the song "It will rain" that, as I said before is one of my favourite songs. It has a very deep significance and It's