Opinion Essay

Should students be able to listen to music in class?

Listening to music can be very relaxing, stimulating and fun but in my opinion, a classroom is not a place where it should be listened to music, especially while the teacher is speaking and explaining. In certain cases, like what the teacher can not come to the class or you must do some relaxing and not stressful work, it should be allowed to the students to listen to music with headphones. But only in this cases.

As I see it, listening music in class would be too distracting and very unpractical because the students would not be able to hear the teacher's explanation.

In second place, the fact that the students can listen to music in class would also presuppose the presence of mobile-phones in class that could distract even more the students. In consequence lots pf students would have to face the music when they are caught doing thinks with their phones that they shouldn't be doing.

To conclude, let the students listen to music in class would distract them and in consequence inhale them of listening to the teacher and in general, to learn.


  1. I totally agree babe, even tough music is life you shouldn't listen to music in class


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