Informal Writing

Hi Mike!

Omg I'm so happy that you contacted me! I lost my phone with your number and e-mail address (another evidence that I'm a total mess).
It's been ages since last time I saw you (nearly 7 months!). I miss you buddy!
I'm so glad to hear that you're having a good time! As you know I wouldn't be able to survive six months surrounded by snakes and spiders, but the idea of Christmas on the beach sounds really cool. You'll probably have so much fun (especially with Jessica, if you know what I mean)! Oh, and be careful with the sun or you'll get sunburned or even you'll get a sunstroke!

Here, in Liverpool, it's more likely to have a huge hailstone falling over your head than being outside and not getting cold or extremely blue fingers. It's extremely cold!
My girlfriend is constantly stealing my warmest sweaters and due to that I've had 3 frostbites! And, yes, I've a girlfriend! Do you remember Jane? She was at Paul's party last year. We've been going out for 3 months and I think she's the one! I really think I'm in love, and it terrifies me!

Speaking about Paul, did someone tell you about the accident of his brother? He nearly died but yesterday (one month after the accident) he miraculously woke up from the coma and everything seems to be okay. Marta and Eva have finally passed their final exams! It was about time! It's the third time they did it.

We all miss you! Now that I've got your e-mail address I'll give it to the others so they can also write you. They'll be happy to hear about you!
Now, I've to go and buy some sweaters and a pair of warm shoes, a big snowstorm is approaching and everybody and their uncle is outside buying resources.

I hope the sharks won't eat you! Is surfing similar to skateboarding? As you know I'm a talented skateboarder, especially the move that goes: butt on the ground and skateboard skateboarding alone! I really have to end this letter because I'm scared that the shops are running out of chocolate (I'm not able to survive a storm without chocolate). Tell me more about Jessica and your surf lessons! How are the beaches? Do they also eat marshmallows?
I'll write soon,


PD: Don't forget the suncream!


  1. You're email is so funny. I also want to know if they eat marshmallows :)


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