New Year's Resolution!

So, there is my New Year's Resolution for 2018! I hope that this year I achieve everything that I put on here:

1-Sleep more (very important)
2-Get good marks (also in Spanish)
3-Have more time to read
4-Become the best player in my basketball team
5-Learn to play better the guitar
6-Compose a song and write something
7-Travel, travel, travel
8-Learn as much as I can about everything
9-Get more fit
10-Play more with my little brother :)
11-Spent more time with my friends...

I won't do the effort to put "do a diet" because I know myself...


  1. Yeah, you really need to sleep and read Percy Jackson >:(
    You don't need the second resolution, you have good marks
    And what friends? Your only friends are antisocials who don't go outside their homes :P

  2. There are some resolutions that you didn't acomplishes also when your friends say to meet you say you have to study so less styudy and more firends.


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